
 Dr. Kellison Ext. 101

Bingyu Xu, M. A. Ext. 104

Kailey Sullivan, B.S. Ext. 103



11811 N. Tatum Blvd. #3031

Phoenix, AZ 85028


Sessions are available as in-person, virtual, and/or hybrid of both.


gender Affirming Therapy

Gender Affirming Services:


For many people gender is a journey that can start from the moment a person questions what others prescribe or assign to them, to a lifelong exploration. This journey is composed of many factors that go beyond what is described (e.g., expression, identity, cultural phenomenon, the body, internal narratives, etc.). At the Sexual Orientation & Gender Institute of Arizona (SOGIA), our staff and clinicians are trained to affirm ALL people that we interact with, and also in ANY stage of transition or capacity we can (e.g., transition in family, school, work settings). We seek to support those whose environments may not affirm, and also those who have environments that do affirm as we recognize there are many layers for each person within the biopsychosocial framework of mental health.


What does it mean to affirm someone’s gender?


SOGIA staff and providers will meet the client where they are at without any judgment or agenda. This means that we will use the name and gender pronouns that you inform us to use, rather than the legal ones that you have been assigned since birth. We may also check-in every now and then to make sure that we are affirming you so we can use the names/pronouns that you tell us at any point in your journey. Additionally, we DO NOT use nor condone the use of reparative gender therapy and anyone seeking such services we will work to provide education and share research that speaks to the failures and dangers of said therapy.


Who can benefit from affirming gender support? (Gender differences)


SOGIA serves all people who are striving toward authenticity (their genuine selves). This can include any person whose identity/body is varied from what was assigned to them at birth. Such people may identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, two-spirit, gender queer, gender fluid, fem-boy, and many more.


What about disorders/differences in sex development or intersex community members?


We also seek to provide safe space and services to those with disorders/differences in sex development (Intersex) that include several medical conditions that impact the person at birth and puberty (e.g., congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal insensitivity syndrome, Turner syndrome, ovotesticular disorder, etc). Whether you have just discovered your condition and are doubting yourself, or you have coped well for a long time and are not sure how to talk about this with a romantic partner, SOGIA providers will support you wherever you need the help. This may also include supporting parents whose infant/child/adolescent has recently received such a diagnosis.


What is the role of a mental health provider in gender health?


The role of a mental health provider for gender health is to provide education, preparation support, and reports/letters for child/adolescent/adult medical gender affirming care. This may include puberty blockers, affirmative hormone therapy (e.g., Estrogen and Testosterone), gender affirming surgical interventions (e.g., facial surgery, chest/breast surgery, tracheal shave), safe passage/travel, legal name/gender marker changes, and transition in school or work settings.



Affirming one’s gender also means that we will do our best never to fragilize or pathologize your existence. We recognize the influence of the minority stress model (MSM) on mood and behavioral health. The MSM concludes the impact of gender/sexuality persecution and discrimination within families, neighborhoods, societies can lead to mood, behavioral, and wellness challenges not simply because of their gender/sexuality. We also understand that those who love you may also be going through their own acceptance journey and we provide a safe space for them to process their experience within a supportive nonjudgmental nor pressured therapeutic relationship.


Of note, SOGIA staff and clinicians work closely with many medical physicians (e.g., surgeons, endocrinologists, primary care physicians), and also has a strong relationship with Phoenix Children’s Hospital and their Gender Support Program (Drs. Chulani and Chawla) and Reproductive Anomalies and Differences in Sex Development Clinic (Dr. van Leeuwen).


For more information about gender evaluations or our gender support groups, please click one of the tabs below gender support.




Reach out to us to request an appointment



Dr. Kellison Ext. 101

Bingyu Xu, M. A. Ext. 104

Kailey Sullivan, B.S. Ext. 103


or complete our form

By clicking “Submit” for this form via the SOGIA website, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging system and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Submit" you agree to hold SOGIA harmless for disclosure, access, or unauthorized use of your protected health information (e.g., name, email, and phone number) sent via these electronic means.

Gender Affirming Services:


For many people gender is a journey that can start from the moment a person questions what others prescribe or assign to them, to a lifelong exploration. This journey is composed of many factors that go beyond what is described (e.g., expression, identity, cultural phenomenon, the body, internal narratives, etc.). At the Sexual Orientation & Gender Institute of Arizona (SOGIA), our staff and clinicians are trained to affirm ALL people that we interact with, and also in ANY stage of transition or capacity we can (e.g., transition in family, school, work settings). We seek to support those whose environments may not affirm, and also those who have environments that do affirm as we recognize there are many layers for each person within the biopsychosocial framework of mental health.


What does it mean to affirm someone’s gender?


SOGIA staff and providers will meet the client where they are at without any judgment or agenda. This means that we will use the name and gender pronouns that you inform us to use, rather than the legal ones that you have been assigned since birth. We may also check-in every now and then to make sure that we are affirming you so we can use the names/pronouns that you tell us at any point in your journey. Additionally, we DO NOT use nor condone the use of reparative gender therapy and anyone seeking such services we will work to provide education and share research that speaks to the failures and dangers of said therapy.


Who can benefit from affirming gender support? (Gender differences)


SOGIA serves all people who are striving toward authenticity (their genuine selves). This can include any person whose identity/body is varied from what was assigned to them at birth. Such people may identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, two-spirit, gender queer, gender fluid, fem-boy, and many more.


What about disorders/differences in sex development or intersex community members?


We also seek to provide safe space and services to those with disorders/differences in sex development (Intersex) that include several medical conditions that impact the person at birth and puberty (e.g., congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal insensitivity syndrome, Turner syndrome, ovotesticular disorder, etc). Whether you have just discovered your condition and are doubting yourself, or you have coped well for a long time and are not sure how to talk about this with a romantic partner, SOGIA providers will support you wherever you need the help. This may also include supporting parents whose infant/child/adolescent has recently received such a diagnosis.


What is the role of a mental health provider in gender health?


The role of a mental health provider for gender health is to provide education, preparation support, and reports/letters for child/adolescent/adult medical gender affirming care. This may include puberty blockers, affirmative hormone therapy (e.g., Estrogen and Testosterone), gender affirming surgical interventions (e.g., facial surgery, chest/breast surgery, tracheal shave), safe passage/travel, legal name/gender marker changes, and transition in school or work settings.



Affirming one’s gender also means that we will do our best never to fragilize or pathologize your existence. We recognize the influence of the minority stress model (MSM) on mood and behavioral health. The MSM concludes the impact of gender/sexuality persecution and discrimination within families, neighborhoods, societies can lead to mood, behavioral, and wellness challenges not simply because of their gender/sexuality. We also understand that those who love you may also be going through their own acceptance journey and we provide a safe space for them to process their experience within a supportive nonjudgmental nor pressured therapeutic relationship.


Of note, SOGIA staff and clinicians work closely with many medical physicians (e.g., surgeons, endocrinologists, primary care physicians), and also has a strong relationship with Phoenix Children’s Hospital and their Gender Support Program (Drs. Chulani and Chawla) and Reproductive Anomalies and Differences in Sex Development Clinic (Dr. van Leeuwen).


For more information about gender evaluations or our gender support groups, please click one of the tabs below gender support.





Dr. Kellison Ext. 101

Bingyu Xu, M. A. Ext. 104

Kailey Sullivan, B.S. Ext. 103


11811 N. Tatum Blvd. #3031

Phoenix, AZ 85028


Sessions are available as in-person, virtual, and/or hybrid of both.

gender Affirming Therapy

Reach out to us to request an appointment

or complete our form

gender Affirming



Dr. Kellison Ext. 101

Bingyu Xu, M. A. Ext. 104

Kailey Sullivan, B.S. Ext. 103


11811 N. Tatum Blvd. #3031

Phoenix, AZ 85028


Sessions are available as in-person, virtual, and/or hybrid of both.

Reach out to us to request an appointment

or complete our form